Princess Bijou

3xELITE, 2xNICE,CUTE, Nice Horse on PHR, 2xTop Horse in Clover Sands, 2nd Placed on Fluffy Foals in Silver Spur, Nice

Trzsknyvi nv: Princess Bijou
Szletsi id: 2012. 08.17.
Fajta: Angol Telivr
Nem: Kanca


Prince Loki |
Wandering Boy |
Wanderer |
Wit |

Awesome Bijou |
Rockport Harbour |
Discreetly Awesome |
Awesome Again

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Nyersi arny: %

sszesen: 16 eredmny
Kllem (10) Galopp (6) Egyb (0)
- 1. hely: II. Social Sites Appearance
- 1. hely: We are the Runaways! (sprint)
- 1. hely: CloverSands’ Spring Appearance
- 1. hely: The Smallest The Smartest Appearance
- 1. hely: Mares Appearance (csikk)
- 1. hely: II. No Limit Appearance (csikk)
- 1. hely: Birthday Appearance (csikk)
- 1. hely: BDL Derby (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Fluffy Foals
- 3. hely: II. Thoroughbred Appearance
- 3. hely: II. Black or White Appearance
- 3. hely: I. Ponysland Appearance
- 3. hely: Rainy Galopp (900m)
- 4. hely: I. Derby in October (rvidtv)
- 4. hely: I. Amonio Gallop (sprint)
- 5. hely: We are the Warriors! (sprinterek)

csikkori kpei:
