Silver Story

5*ELITE, ABSOLUTE, NICE, 3xBEST, 3xGOOD, 2xNICE, Good Jumper Horse, Brilliant Horse, Excellent Horse, Great, Great Dressage Horse on Christmas Cup, Best Appearance Horse in Svart Prla's Race, 1st Placed Horse in Sporthorses Appearance, Best Military Horse, Pata.csata I. hely, 1st Placed Horse in I. GHR Dressage, Absolutte horse in Simple Dressage, 1st Placed Horse in Simple Dressage, Nice Horse in Head Appearance, Good Mare in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, 2nd in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, 3x1st placed on I. Cross-Country Challenge, Silver Spur Champion, Elite horse in Fast Dressage, PERFECT, 1st Placed in Fast Dressage

Trzsknyvi nv: Silver Story
Szletsi id: 2009.08.26.
Fajta: Hannoveri
Nem: Kanca

Silver Chance |
Last Change |
??? |
Wit |
Story Brook |
Prince Edward |
??? |

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Kikpzse: cross-country, djlovagls (kezd), djugrats(halad)
Alkalmassg:cc,djlovagls, djugrats
Nyersi arny: %

sszesen: 28 eredmny
1. hely: Vihar Djlovas Kupja | kanca |
1. hely: I. GHR Dressage (kezd - djlovagls)
1. hely: Simple Dressage(kezd - djlovagls) *abszolt gyztes
1. hely: Ritka szakgak versenye (military)
1. hely: Sporthorses Appearance
1. hely: I. Cross-Country Challenge (-ugrs)
1. hely: I. Dressage in October (kezd)
1. hely: Fast Dressage (WorldUp) (L-kezd) *abszolt gyztes
1. hely: I. Cross-Country Challenge (-rkezs)
1. hely: I. Jumping in October (halad)
1. hely: I. Cross-Country Challenge (-vz)
1. hely: Game of Colors Dressage I. (djlovagls-kezd)
2. hely: DVA Appearance (lovagls kppel)
2. hely: October Dressage (kezd)
2. hely: Halloween Competition (djugrats)
2. hely: Halloween Competition (cross-country)
2. hely: Head Appearance (kanck)
2. hely: The Game of Colors Appearance II.
2. hely: I. Kennedy Appearance (kanck)
2. hely: Because I’m Perfect Appearance (kanck)
2. hely: Nihon Cup (military)
2. hely: After X-Mas Party | kanca |
2. hely: Christmas Cup | kanca, A |
3. hely: DVA Appearance (fejkppel)
3.hely: Jump High | kanca |
3. hely: Game of Colors Jumping (halad - djugrats)
3. hely: II. Game of Color Jumping (djugrats-halad)
5. hely: I. Simple Jumping in FL (djugrats-halad)
