Frosty Satine

3*ELITE, 1st placed on 'Happy Birthday Competition', BEAUTIFUL, GOOD, 3rd Placed in I. Fast Foal Appearance, Beautiful Horse, Beautiful, Excellent, Good, PERFECT, 1st Placed in Fast Foal Appearance, RD Great, GREAT, 2nd Placed in Fast Show Appearance, 1st Horse in First Thoroughbred Race and Appearance, BEST

Trzsknyvi nv: Frosty Satine
Szletsi idpont: 2013.08.31.
Fajta: Angol telivr
Nem: Kanca

sszesen (26)
Kllem (19) Galopp (7)
Friss eredmnyek:
- 1. hely: I. Appearance in October (kanck)
- 1. hely: 1st thoroughbred race & appearance (kanck) *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: 1st thoroughbred race & appearance (rvidtv)
- 1. hely: Rainy Galopp (900m)
- 1. hely: BDL Derby (kzptv)
- 2. hely: We are the Warriors! (kzptv)
- 3. hely: We are the Runaways! (rvidtv)
- 4. hely: I. Derby in October (kzptv)
- 5. hely: I. Amonio Gallop (rvidtv)
Csikkori eredmnyek:
- 1. hely: Las Vegas Foal Appearance
- 1. hely: Fast Foal Appearance (WorldUp)
- 1. hely: 1615. Pata.Csata Appearance (szabadban)
- 1. hely: 1615. Pata.Csata Appearance (csikk)
- 1. hely: Fast Appearance (WorldUp) (csikk)
- 1. hely: Las Vegas Foal Appearance
- 1. hely: Sidny Szlinapi Kllemversenye (csikk) *abszolt gyztes
- 2. hely: I. Kennedy Appearance (csikk)
- 2. hely: Birthday Appearance (csikk)
- 2. hely: 1615. Pata.Csata Appearance (heverszs)
- 2. hely: I. Just your Horses Appearance (csikk)
- 2. hely: 1615. Pata.Csata Appearance (bakols)
- 2. hely: 1615. Pata.Csata Appearance (msik lval)
- 3. hely: Appearance in September (csikk)
- 3. hely: One Week Appearance (csikk)
- 3. hely: I. Fast Foal Appearance (Paradoxic)
- 3. hely: Choose Ur Side Appearance (csikk)

Szlk |
Nagyszlk |
Anyja: Shiloh of Nothingham |
Anyai Nagyanyja: Strawberry
Anyai Nagyapja: Nothingham xx |
Apja: PS Coin Flip |
Apai Nagyanyja: Lady Nightmare
Apai Nagyapja: Flipper xx

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Kikpzse: Galopp
Alkalmassg: Mg nem tudni
Nyersi arny: %


