Ehren Gold

2*ELITE, 2xGOOD,Good Stallion in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, 2nd in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, Best Appearance Horse in Svart Prla's Race, 1st Placed Horse in Sporthorses Appearance, BETTER HORSE, 2nd placed horse in Who is the Champion? - part I., 2* The Best Sporthorse, PERFECT, 1st Placed in Fast Dressage, BETTER, 1st Placed in Dressage and Show Jumping in Berlin, Neptunus Wunner, BEST, NICE

Trzsknyvi nv: Ehren Gold
Szletsi id: 2006.06.24.
Fajta: Vesztfliai
Nem: Mn

Ehren Preis
Verb. Pr. St. Riva
St. Pr. St. Prinzess

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Kikpzse: M szintig
Alkalmassg: Djlovagls
Nyersi arny: %

sszesen: 19 eredmny
Kllem (12) Djlovagls (7)
- 1. hely: Sporthorses Appearance
- 1. hely: Sporthorse's meeting (kllem)
- 1. hely: Fast Dressage (WorldUp) (M-halad)
- 1. hely: Dressage and Show Jumping in Berlin
- 1. hely: Sporthorse's meeting (djlovagls)
- 1. hely: October Fest with Dressage (M)
- 1. hely: TWA Appearance (mnek)
- 2. hely: I. Simple Dressage (L szint)
- 2. hely: Colorful Appearance (Pej lovak)
- 2. hely: Essence Breakout Appearance (pej lovak)
- 2. hely: Who is the Champion? Part I. (kllem-sportlovak)
- 2. hely: Because I’m Perfect Appearance(mnek)
- 2. hely: Worldwide Dressage(kezd)
- 2. hely: XII. Synline Appearance (mnek)
- 3. hely: V. No Limit Appearance (mnek/herltek)
- 3. hely: III. No Limit Appearancee (mnek/herltek)
- 3. hely: Essence Breakout Appearance (mnek/herltek)
- 3. hely: October Dressage (halad)
- 5. hely: Golden Star Big Appearance (mnek/herltek)
