Life Less Frightening
6x ELITE, BEST, GOOD, Best Appearance Horse in Svart Prla's Race, 1st Placed Horse in Sporthorses Appearance, 1st Placed of Made in China Appearance, Perfect Horse, Good Horse in CloverSands, Top Horse in Clover Sands, Better in Dark Spirit Appearance, 2nd in Appearance, EXCELLENT, 2nd placed in Santa Claus' Appearance, Els helyezett a Karcsonyi Kupn, Synline's Champion, NICE, ELITE, BEST, Best Twins, PRETTY, 3rd placed mare in Standin Appearance, Good Black Horse, Pata.csata III. hely, 1st Placed Horse in I love My Owner, 5th Placed on Hybryd Appearance, GREAT, 2nd Placed in fast Dressage, Nice

Trzsknyvi nv: Life Less Frightening
Szletsi id: 2008.02.28.
Fajta: Dn melegvr
Nem: Kanca

The First Drop
Fine Again
Life Starts Now
No Moew

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Nyersi arny: %

sszesen: 21 eredmny
Kllem (0)
- 1.hely: Karcsonyi Kupa|djlovagls
- 1.hely: DEF Appearance (dn melegvrek) *abszolt gyztes
- 1.hely: CloverSands’ Spring Appearance
- 1.hely: Black’s Appearance
- 1.hely: Made in China Appearance (Haikou / 6-7 v)
- 1.hely: Sporthorses Appearance
- 1. hely: Twins Appearance(prban Murcielago-val)
- 1. hely: I love My Owner
- 2. hely: TWA Appearance (kanck)
- 2. hely: Fast Dressage (WorldUp) (L-kezd)
- 2. hely: Hybryd Appearance (sznkllem)
- 2.hely: II. Social Sites Appearance
- 2. hely: II. Black or White Appearance
- 2.hely: I. Dark Spirit Appearance| kanck kat.
- 2.hely: Mikuls Kllem
- 3.hely: Green Major Dressage Competition|kezd
- 3. hely: Fast Appearance (WorldUp) (kanck)
- 3. hely: Kllem fekete lovaknak (kanck)
- 3. hely: Standing Appearance (kanck)
- 3. hely: I. Kennedy Appearance (kanck)
- 5. hely: Hybryd Appearance (l s lovasa)
