PM Saphire

3*ELITE, 6*EXCELLENT, Excellent Horse in M'sM, , Excellent Horse in M'sM, Excellent Horse in M'sM, ELITE, The Most Beautiful Horse in M'sM, Excellent Horse in M'sM, Best Summer Picture, 1st Placed of Summer and Winter Show, GOOD, 3rd Placed Horse in Simple Appearance, GOOD, Good Horse in M'sM, GOOD, 3rd Placed Horse in Appearance in March, GOOD, 3rd Placed Horse in Color Appearance, Beautiful PC Horse, The Best Mare, NICE, Nice Horse in Cavallo Center I. Head Appearance, Elite, Motion's Best Dressage Horse, Good, Nice

Trzsknyvi nv: PM Saphire
Szletsi idpont: 2000.10.16.
Fajta: Gelderlandi
Nem: Kanca

sszesen 29 db
-2. hely, Movement Appearance / Lps / (
-2. hely, Movement Appearance / Vgta / (
-2. hely, May Appearance (
-1. hely, May's Beauty Appearance (
-2. hely, Simple Appearance (
-1. hely, Summer and Winter Show (
-3. hely, Simple Appearance (
-4. hely, II. Background Appearance (
-3. hely, II. Appearance in February /Egyb/ (
-3. hely, Appearance in March /Kanck/ (
-3. hely, Color Appearance /Srga/ (
-2. hely, Happy Easter! Appearance /Fejkllem/ (
-2. hely, Happy Easter! Appearance /Kanck/ (
-1. hely, PC May Appearance /Kanck/ (
-1. hely, Reopen Appearance /Kanck/ (
-3. hely, I. Head Appearance /sportlovak fejklleme/ (
-6. hely, Show for Dressage Horses /Djlovagls-Knnyosztly/ (
-1. hely, Show for Dressage Horses /Kllem-Kanca/ (
-1. hely, I. Spring Appearance /Kanck/ (
-3. hely, Appearance for Everyone /Kanck/ (
-3. hely, Spring Dressage /Kezd/ (
-1. hely, September Appearance for Mares (
- 8. hely: I. Red Doom Appearance (kanck)
- 1. hely: DVA Appearance (lovagls kppel)
- 3. hely: DVA Appearance (fejkppel)
- 3. hely: TWA Appearance (kanck)
- 4. hely: Golden Star Big Appearance (kanck)
- 1. hely: Amber Run Pilor (tereplovagls)
- 2. hely: Autumn Appearance (kanck)

Szlk |
Nagyszlk |
Anyja: Gorgeous |
Anyai Nagyanyja: Godiva
Anyai Nagyapja: Odesseo |
Apja: Only Excellence |
Apai Nagyanyja: Desire
Apai Nagyapja: Shoot for It
- Twist N Time

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Kikpzse: -
Alkalmassg: Mg nem tudni
Nyersi arny: %

