
*GOOD, Good Jumper Horse in M'sM, GOOD, 3rd Placed Horse in Step by Step Dressage II., GREAT, Great Horse in M'sM, GREAT, Great Horse in M'sM, ELITE, 1st Placed Horse in Appearance in March, Excellent Horse, Excellent, Good Dressage Horse, 4th Placed Horse in Higher and Higher! Show Jumping, The Best Horse in II. PC Special Cup, Excellent Show Jumper Horse, Open Classic Super Horse, ELITE, EXCELLENT, ELITE, 1st Placed in 2 in 1 Competiton, EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed in 2 in 1 Competition, ELITE, Perfect Military Horse, NICE

Trzsknyvi nv: Hunter
Szletsi idpont: 2008.10.20.
Fajta: KWPN
Nem: Mn

sszesen 29
- 1. hely: Halloween Competition (cross-country)
- 1. hely: Amber Run Pilor (tereplovagls)
- 1. hely: Snowy Appearance (ugr lovak)
- 3. hely: October Dressage (halad)
-1. hely, IV. Magical Race Cup /Mn/ (
-1. hely, Appearance in March /Mnek/ (
-1. hely, II. PC Special Cup /Cross-country/ (
-1. hely, SJ and Dressage /Djugrats-Kezd/ (
-1. hely, IV. Magical Race Cup /Cross-country/ (
-1. hely, IV. Magical Race Cup /Djlovagls/ (
-1. hely, 2 in 1 Competition /Djugrats/ (
-1. hely, Appearance for Everyone /Mnek/ (
-1. hely, Excuse Me Triatlon ( *Abszolt gyztes
-1. hely, September Cup /Djugrats/ (
-2. hely, September Cup /Djlovagls/ (
-2. hely, 2 in 1 Competition /Djlovagls/ (
-2. hely, IV. Magical Race Cup /Djugrats/ (
-2. hely, September Cup /Cross-country/ (
-2. hely, Superhorses Championship /Military-Kezd/ (
-2. hely, Show for Showjumpers /Djugrats-Halad/ (
-2. hely, Show for Dressage Horses /Djlovagls-Knnyosztly/ (
-3. hely, Step by Step Dressage II. (
-3. hely, I. Spring Appearance /Mnek/ (
-3. hely, Movement Appearance (
-3. hely, Spring Dressage /Halad/ (
-3. hely, Simple Appearance (
-4. hely, Higher and Higher! Show Jumping /Halad/ (
-4. hely, Show for Showjumpers /Kllem-Mnek/ (
-4. hely, V. Mistral's Show Jumping (

Szlk |
Nagyszlk |
Anyja: Recognition |
Anyai Nagyanyja: Sissy May
Anyai Nagyapja: Bugatti |
Apja: Charmeur |
Apai Nagyanyja: Perlina
Apai Nagyapja: Nimmerdor

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Alkalmassg: Mg nem tudni
Nyersi arny: %

