Hope of the Dream

Best Thoroughbred la Carte; The Most Beautiful Horse in 2011; Fariflend Elite Horse cm; Best; Aranyos csik; Excellent Angol Telivr Horse; Very Good 1000 m Galopphorse; 2nd in Galopp in Luxemburg in Alta; Best Galopp Horse; 1st in 15. Race in Alta; Excellent Appearance Horse; Best Horse in Horoscope Appearance;Very Nice Horse; 2nd in Flower Appearance in Alta; Best Galopp Horse; 1st in 15. Race in Alta; Better; 2nd Placed of Appearance with Black Thoroughbreds; Nice Horse in Ponyisland; 3rd Placed of Appearance in Europe; Excellent Appearance Horse in Lexington; 2nd Placed in Lexington Winter Dressage and Galopp; Ponyisland Champion; The Most Beautiful Horse Mare Category; 1st Placed of VII. Only Picture Appearance; Absolute Winner of VII. Only Picture Appearance; Best Horse on II. Head Appearance; 1st of II. Head Appearance in Salyza LK.; Good; Good Galopp Horse of Final Chance; 3rd Placed of Dubai Worl Cup; 1st Placed in Ruffian 2011; Champion in Black Ladies Category; Better Race Horse in 1000 m; 2nd Placed of Ascot RaceCourse 2011 cm; 1st in -cheval maison klem-, Best mare in -cheval maion kllem-, Best Galopp Horse in SantaFe, Best, Best in WLE, 1 hely a Tavaszvr Galopp verseny Sprint tvjban, Excellent, Fantastic Racehorse of Royal, 2nd Placed of VItesse du Vent Galopp, Loveless Dance Champions, 1 st Perfect horse in the My Favorite Anime Galopp, Loveless Dance Champions, Fantatick horse in the My Favoirte Anime Galopp, Schn Pferd ins Viva La France, 1st ins Schn Pferde Galopp ins Viva, 1st in –prilisi kancaselejtez-, Best mare in –prilisi kancaselejtez-, Best, Best is Salyza PS, 1st on Classic Apperance, The BestHorse in Salyza P.S, 1st placed on II. Big Competition without Practices in Salyza P. S., Excellent Horse in Salyza P.S, 2nd placed on III. Big competition without practices, Good Horse in M'sM, 1st placed on Dance Style Appearance in Salyza P.S., Very nice mare, 2nd placed at reopening appearance, Loveless Dance Opening Champion, 1st Perfect Horse in Gallop the-racehorses.gp, Great of Plus-Minus Appearance, Szp Angol telivr, 1st placed in II. Classic Appearance on Salyza P.S., Good Horse in Galopp Category, 3rd Placed of 'Game, Set, Match' Cup, 3rd Placed Horse in Swedish Appearance, Good Horse in Swedish Appearance, 3rd Placed Horse in What do You Like? Competition, Good Horse in Orange category, Legszebb l a Kanck versenyn, 1. helyezst rt el a Sznkategris kllemversenyen, Placed horse in Okinawa *sznkategris kllemverseny *kat**, Placed in Okinawa, Special Horse in Okinawa, Great Horse in M'sM, Nice Mare in TA, Good Horse in M'sM, Excellent Horse in Partner Sites respectful competition, Good Horse in Appearance in M'sM, Absolute horse in Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion, Elite horse in Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion, Elite Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion, Good Horse in Summer Breeze Appearance, Good Apperance Horse in Valley of Champions, Nice Gallopp Horse in Valley of Champions, Beautiful Horse in PHR, 1st placed on Color Categories Appearance

Trzsknyvi nv: Hope of the Dream in Sandwell
Szletsi idpont: 2010.07.27.
Fajta: Angol telivr
Nem: Mn

sszesen (57)
Friss eredmnyei:
- 1. hely: Snowy Appearance (galopp lovak)
- 2. hely: Thanksgiving Appearance (mnek)
- 5. hely: BDL Derby (rvidtv)
Rgi eredmnyei:
1. hely: CDO Tenysszemle | csik | lidoll.gp
1. hely: Time-Keeper Competition | csikkllem | fariflend.gp
1. hely: Appearance of the V. Under | angol telivr | lidoll.gp
1. hely: Great Summer Thoroughbred Cup | kllem | my-davi.gp
1. hely: Horoscope Appearance | ikrek | horsandel.gp
1. hely: 15. Race | galopp | lownit.gp
1. hely: Luisiana Derby'11 | 2000 m | ponyisland.gy *abszolt gyztes
1. hely: VII. Only Picture Appearance | kanca | ponyisland.gp *abszolt gyztes
1. hely: II. Head Appearance | kanca | salyza.gp
1. hely: Ruffian 2011 | Black Ladies | thoroughbred.gp
1. hely: Cheval Maison Kllem | kanca | cheval-maison.gp
1. hely: SantaFe Galopp Cup | sprint | tulinevelde.gp
1. hely: Tavaszvr Galopp | sprint | oldim.gp
1. hely: My Favourite Anime G. | Soul Eater | the-racehorses.gp *abszolt gyztes
1. hely: Schn Pferd Galopps in V. | kanca | vivalafrance.gp
1. hely: prilisi Kancaselejtez | - | cheval-maison.gp
1. hely: Classic Appearance | Monti Csrds | salyza.gp
1. hely: Big C. without Practices | kllem/kanca | salyza.gp
1. hely: Dance Style Appearance | rumba | salyza.gp
1. hely: Breeder's Cup | Juvenile Sprint | royal-court.gp
1. hely: Breeder's Cup | Juvenile Sprint Dnt | royal-court.gp
1. hely: Loveless B.a.H.C. Opening | galopp/sprint | the-racehorses.gp
1. hely: II. Classic Appearance | Tl-Vivaldi | salyza.gp
1. hely: I. GV Mare Appearance | 5.csoport | equestrian-races.gp
1. hely: Sznkategris Kllemverseny | fekete | equestrian-races.gp
1. hely: Trsoldalak Tiszteletre Rendezett Verseny | kanca | lopopofogo.gp
1. hely: Thoroughbred's Champion | rvidtv | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp*abszolt gyztes
1. hely: Sznkategris Kllemverseny | fekete | ponysalnd.gp
2. hely: Galopp in Luxemburg | 1000 m | lownit.gp
2. hely: Flower Appearance | - | lownit.gp
2. hely: Appearance with Black Thoroughberd | kanca | my-davi.gp
2. hely: Lexington Winter D. and G. | kanca | pegazusmg.gp
2. hely: Ascot RaceCourse in 2011 | 1000 m | ponyisland.gp
2. hely: Viesse Du Vent Galopp | sprint | royal-court.gp
2. hely: Big Competition without Practices | galopp/sprint | salyza.gp
2. hely: Reopening Appearance | kanca | avalon-online.gp
2. hely: Plus-Minus Appearance | minus | shagyarab.gp
2. hely: Summer Breeze Appearance | kanca | lopopofogo.gp
2. hely: ELITE Opening Competition | kllem/kanca | vochampions.gp
3. hely: G. and K. a Palomino LP-ben | csikkllem | palominolp.gp
3. hely: Appearance in Europe | Svjc | ponyisland.gp
3. hely: Dubai World Cup | sprint | my-davi.gp
3. hely: Music Appearance | rock | avlp.gp
3. hely: Angol Telivr Kllem | kanca | shagyarab.gp
3. hely: Game, Set, Match Cup | galopp/sprint | ponyisland.gp
3. hely: Swedish Appearance | Uppsala | life-style.gp
3. hely: What do you Like? Appearance | narancssrga | life-style.gp
3. hely: Winnres Appearance | 18 db els helytl | avlp.gp
3. hely: Thoroughbred Appearance | kanca | ponysland.gp
4. hely: R.I.P Ruffian | galopp | dreamfoal.gp
4. hely: Sznkategris Kllem | fekete | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp
4. hely: II. Cards Appearance | Queen | avlp.gp
4. hely: II. Equestrian Appearance | kllem | avlp.gp
4. hely: ELITE Opening Competition | galopp/sprint | vochampions.gp

Living the Freedom
Living the Dream |
Star of Lovely Angel |
Light of Hope |
Hope Music |
Light of Miracle |

Rajtengedly: van/nincs
tlevl: van/nincs
Kikpzse: Galopp
Alkalmassg: Sprint, Rvidtv
Nyersi arny: %

